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"The afternoon of life is just as full of meaning as the morning; only, its meaning and purpose are different."
Carl Jung
The Personal and the Collective Unconscious, CW7



Our Mission:

In the afternoon of our lives, our intention is to grow and sustain an inclusive learning community of vitality, purpose, wisdom, and grace.



Carl Jung's essay on aging is one of our guides. 



The southern live oak becomes more beautiful as it ages,

more majestic and sheltering. These oaks are sometimes called angel oaks.

Who We Are

The Community for Conscious Aging (CCA) is committed to approaching life with meaning and purpose as we age. Together, we discover how to shape our personal experience in a deeper way and share that discovery with others. We are guided by four pillars:

  • Connection: cultivate opportunities to gather together

  • Learning: grow in wisdom and in the capacity to reflect on our rich inner lives with clarity and integrity

  • Service: respond to the needs of others

  • Activism: confront the culture of ageism

Steering Committee 

David Spaw, Chair

Karleen Koen

Beth Quill

Dina McMearn

Mark Ryan
Maryann Tebbe
Karen Waldman

Judy Wilbratte


Michael Craig

Sean Fitzpatrick

ex officio



Former Members:

Ellen Bishop

Becky Dodds

John Hyatt

Bob Levy

Michele Lees

Patricia Thompson

Our History

The Community for Conscious Aging was formed in 2018. Our genesis came from conversations between friends about the process of aging, how to find or keep a community, and how to deal with the challenges of aging. We are a volunteer organization affiliated with The Jung Center. 


We’ve presented many excellent programs: Carl Jung’s Stages of Life; Resilience and How to Develop it; Finding Purpose as We Age; A Look at Racial Conditioning. We’ve mentored coffee groups and book studies and movie nights. Our small group meetings often form communities-—part of our mission. During Covid, we set up support groups about health and well-being and offered speakers via Zoom, which will remain a permanent platform for some of our offerings.


We’d love to have you join us!



Follow the link below to explore and register for upcoming events.


Follow the link below to share your ideas for possible topics or events.

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